While rummaging through the National Public Radio (NPR) archives (yes I spend some of my free time listening to old NPR pieces -- don't judge), I ran across a three part series from August of 2009 focusing on the trend of free goods and services in the digital economy. No one sector of our economy is more acutely aware of this trend and the resulting outcomes than those of us who have made a living in the music industry. Well before the housing crises or the near-collapse of the banking system, the digitization of music content destroyed the music industry's longstanding business model.
Listening to the NPR coverage of the free-economy and thinking about my post from last week furthered my contemplation of the broader long-term legal, economic, and cultural ramifications of such an economy.
According to the first segment in the NPR series, many Internet businesses are attempting to follow the Google model of monetizing their service through add revenue. Yet, ask any journalist from any newspaper on the planet, this is not a viable solution for the vast number of online businesses. There are only so many advertising dollars available.
Others are offering many different levels of services or products. Usually a free basic service or product and a fee based premium service or product. Yet this business model has not been as successful as the free model. As many of my colleagues in the music industry like to ask: "How do you compete with Free?"
The difficulty of designing fee-based business models in the new digital online economy is redefining intellectual property law and maybe America. This developing "social norm" of free access to other persons' intellectual property is and will continue to influence how we view tangible property such as personal property and real property.
Could this developing social norm shift the culture of America? There have been many commentators who have examined whether, in the wake of our current economic crisis, the "rugged American individualism" has given way to a socialistic culture more identified with Europe. A while ago a Reuters columnist, Bernd Debusmann, had a very compelling blog entry on this topic, which can be found by clicking here.
I wonder, however, if the new social norm of the digital world's free economy set the stage for such a shift of the American culture well before the housing crash and the credit crunch? Could the communal view of intellectual property advocated by such corporate giants as Google be pushing America from a heavily individualistic ownership culture to a more communal "Europeanized" culture?